Mercedes Benz E-Guard

Already familiar in our ears if Mercedes Benzs issued new automobiles with E-Guard models to serve its customers in the automotive world, for the sake of convenience and flexibility of this car have differences with the other Mercedes models, such as networking standard model features a very good protector called as special steel, the invisible and integrated under the identical body. New E-Guard offers effective protection against the risk of increasing attacks worldwide in street crime. With the new Guard model, Mercedes-Benz continues to improve expertise in the design and production of special protection vehicle for the convenience of the consumers in the journey.

New E-Guard is the same bodyshell as the regular production model, which means that the structural strength, dimensional accuracy, corrosion protection and paint quality is outstanding secured by the series of production standards that make this car look beautiful when seen from far enough visibility.

Proper protective precisely match the contour of bodyshell without violating the interior space. Creating a comprehensive passenger protected special steel, high strength and aramide component, which is equipped with a glass polycabonate highly resistant with an attractive visual appearance in keeping the quality of this car.

This car has a lot of innovative systems such as an intercom system that allows for communication between cells that protected passengers, also accompanied the new features in the protection that comes standard with bullet proof glass. This car is also very well suited if we use, with new designs and models equipped with highly sophisticated equipment such as bulletproof glass made the car driver or the consumer is comfortable in the journey.

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