BMW 650i

The BMW 650i is the new BMW series cars, this car has its own uniqueness which the car ni have a shiny aura. When viewed in fact close, raise the mind of a fiery horse is suitable only for the best of knights. The presence of slender describe this car looks athletic. The design has an elegant way of allowing the sports car enthusiast knows that this is a car that bit more special, a little more than usual, and slightly more than faster. Proportional beautiful like an hourglass woman-thought, but formed by the power of masculine torso, a remarkable new BMW 650i was designed and built by German engineers. This chrome finishings, alloy leaf style, and elegant lines describe a car that has a formidable speed and friendly environment. BMW 650i slingshots to 62 mph in 5.4 seconds (manual version) and set to a top speed of 155mph (250 km / h).

BMW 650i like heavenly to experience the sheer joy of genealogy suitable sports car racing is. Manual 6 speed gearbox quickly and accurately, and offers smooth acceleration throughout the engine torque curve.
This trip was very well-balanced condition, which is clearly what is expected from the best BMW, and offer a brilliant level of grip when pushed through corners at the level of out-of-the-world speed. This car is no tin box, which weighs more than two tons. But it has the athleticism, combined with the density derived from the typical skill level of German engineering excellence. Even the appearance of German cars like BMW 650i go a long way toward making drivers feel safe.

In the room you have a luxury car, luxury like Stormer highway. leather upholstery in the BMW 650i is more beautiful, which offers a level of comfort and support, and is designed to sit in a long time. Satisfaction gained in driving the BMW 650i. Each front seat is electronically regulated and the driver has the seat of memory included. Leather seats are equipped with luxurious Dakota leather as standard. But in the reed exclusive Pearl leather black, beige, cream and a rich selection of premium buyers can choose. Every new BMW 650i has a voice control and a BMW business radio / CD player as standard. The sound was clear and coming from a loudspeaker system hi-fi. A choice of a rather pleasant.

With this driving us as if we are in paradise, this car will make us comfortable in our long journey, the driver of this car also makes him relaxed and comfortable in this car driving. This car is also designed as possible for the convenience of his sports car enthusiast.

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