Mercedes-Benz E-Class

Talking the new Mercedes E-Class. turned out to Mercedes Benz E-class fully considered the main representative and even the "face" of the Mercedes. This car is also a best-selling car that is issued by Mercedes Benz of several other series.

E-Series the best-the most famous and best-selling one car Class. E-Class is the younger cousin of the S-class elite (the letter E in the title means the car class Executivklasse - translated as "business class"). The owner cars - the representative of this class with incomes above the average what we have to have a car of this series, stately luxury cars - the latter a new achievement of the German car giant.

Model Mercedes-Benz E-Class has stability control, antilock brakes, side airbags front and rear, side airbags and full-length curtain TeleAid emergency system. This car has standard PreSafe that anticipate an accident near and automatically take steps to better secure occupants. We know the comfort of the journey is essential, therefore, this car makes the driver of this car as comfortable as possible so that travel is not impeded.

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