Audi Q7

In an age full of all these sophisticated machines and humans began to get bored with wearing comfortable vehicles was causeed of many automotive car manufacturers began to enter the SUV market, SUV type cars now come into a lot of consumer demand,so that manufacturers of luxury cars also have started to produce car-type SUVs. Audi is one of the leading luxury car manufacturers that produce SUVs. Audi Q7 is an SUV type of Audi, Audi back in 2011 Audi Q7 will issue a 2011 to deal with its competitors who also have started to launch the car - the car a more sophisticated which makes the user comfortable in driving to 2011.

Audi Q7 is a crossover SUV that has a great body so as to accommodate as many as seven passengers with the condition remain comfortable and conducive to the drive, have 18 and 21 inch wheels and has interesting features such as front and rear parking sensors,  monochromatic paint, xenon lamp for more light on the way.
In terms of the Audi Q7 interior we can see that this car is made using the best ingredients and no 1, in order to provide a comfortable ride in this car users, comfort is very important in a trip by car so it also has weather control equipment, heated front seats and leather upholstery and can incorporate sound and navigation systems.

Audi Q7 has also a capacity of 3.0 liter V6 engine with fuel consumption of 7.2 liters per 100 km with CO2 emissions 189 g / km. Moreover Audi Q7 has a great body so as to not be too quick acceleration, the Audi Q7 also has the acceleration of 0-100 km in 9.1 seconds with a maximum speed of 205 km / h. Audi Q7 is also able to produce power 204 hp with maximum torque of 450 Nm.

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