Mercedes-Benz A-class

Mercedes-Benz Company is currently actively pursuing all possible directions of its own production car. Of course Strategic market conquest is the release of A-Class models. Debut cars in this category, the brand has proved popular once again.

Reliability of cars and sporty style that is very evident, because the repair Mercedes - a rare phenomenon, especially in the first few years of operation. With the developer has responded quickly to a flaw in their work, and all subsequent modifications produced cars with modified suspension best. Mercedes-Benz car designs this series placed the engine in front, but slightly below the level of the cabin, warning the danger to people in the car.

A-class unit volume comes close to or slightly larger than 2 liters. His power in this case is 136 hp, which is certainly enough for large vehicles such. Transmission in most recent version auto: Mercedes-Benz remains the same and apply the "automatic" in all new developments.

In this case, automatic transmission, and often has a sport mode for the category outside the box. A Mercedes Auto repair - an extraordinary situation which are attract all motorists only for the brand. An external model A-Class as stylish as other models from the manufacturer - the brand with trust and support with the help of a compact car.

Most of all, happiness is essentially a model customer. Here and climate control and additional buttons for the audio directly on the steering wheel and more. Heating seats and mirrors include the possibility of additional functions, which for a small fee it is possible to get.

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