BMW 320i

Black sedan equipped with two-liter engine producing 150 hp, automatic transmission. Options can be recorded in full force and climate control. Mileage on the odometer - 116 000 km. BMW has also always been strict, no-frills design, but almost ageless. It kept a fast and dynamic car.

At the wheel sit in comfort and pleasant. It seems that the creators of the BMW was in pain to please the driver. Perfect fit for the driver's seat provides a variety of seat adjustments and steering wheel.

Pleasured at the wheel is the company slogan BMW Today, we will experience the pleasure of driving the BMW 320i. At the wheel sit in comfort and pleasant. It seems that the creators of the BMW was in pain to please the driver. Perfect fit for the driver's seat provides a variety of seat adjustments and steering wheel.

The driver and passengers can get pretty comfortable. The chair itself is very comfortable, really athletic, with excellent lateral support, which allows not crawl under a chair during the trip sharp bend. rear passengers live another life. To begin with, that they only put two.

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