BMW 550i

Premises are not kept manufacturer BMW continues to increase its production in the creation of new automobiles, is now the manufacturer of BMW to create or issue a return of his new car with the type of BMW 550i, this car looks more beautiful and sporty, with combine the speed of the cleaning curve and rear lights that bodylines muscley.

Designed more perfect that offers adequate comfort in the BMW 550i and space together with fast transport. Split folding rear seat allows for carrying our goods more easily. Conditions in the comfortable ride, with the BMW 550i offers a level of comfort for anyone who aspires to own it. With a view that is more - exclusive to make the driver more confident in driving this car.

Casting your eyes over the instrument panel is made taste you will see sitting in the center dash 6.5 "screen, and underneath is the Drive controller. The BMW 550i has an onboard computer to keep you completely up to date with the progress of the trip's information. Also given on how the car is covering distance. Also an outside temperature display shows how cold the outside air temperature, before you venture out from a simple cabin at the time until the goal.

The BMW 550i has an electronically limited top speed of 250 km / h. And if you care to take a BMW 550i came out flat - where possible - then the 4.8 V8 engine responds with a force that will send you press back into a leather chair under a speed full. Acceleration like this delicious one's soul. V8 has more power on demand, and is easily in response. With a 0-100 km / h time of 5.3 seconds there will be no need to be too late to pursue our journey to be more quickly so that our work is not too late.

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